Windows 10 Build 10041
While this build isn’t giving us as many new features as the last one, build 9926, there is plenty of interesting tweaks to the interface, and new things like Cortana for testers in the UK and China. Do note that this build is a rather buggy. It’s actually more buggy that the last one, but these are the irritations we face as testers of pre-release software. To share your experience, or talk shop with other Windows 10 testers, join the Windows 10 Forum as we continue through the development of the new OS. While it’s still in the Technical Preview stage, only install it on a secondary PC or a Virtual Machine. For more on that, make sure to check out this article, and pay special attention to the disclaimer at the beginning: And believe me, when it’s ready for prime time, we’ll definitely let you know. :) I just got a surface and I put Windows 10 on it. So far, it’s rocking it. I LOVE everything except I have to hit Windows Key + S to do a search…. I liked just hitting the windows key and start typing. :( Comment Name * Email *
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